Welcome to NHS Careers Untapped! In this podcast series, we will be exploring some of the jobs you can do in the NHS that most people will never have heard of!
In this episode, we speak to Louise, a Pharmacy Technician at Croydon University Hospital NHS Trust: Finding out exactly what they do, how they came to be working in that job and what they love most about it!
This podcast is brought to you the GOSH Learning Academy. To find more about our work you can visit our website here: https://www.gosh.nhs.uk/working-here/gosh-learning-academy/
Welcome to NHS Careers Untapped! In this podcast series, we will be exploring some of the jobs you can do in the NHS that...
Welcome to NHS Careers Untapped! In this podcast series, we will be exploring some of the jobs you can do in the NHS that...
Welcome to NHS Careers Untapped! In this podcast series, we will be exploring some of the jobs you can do in the NHS that...